There’s a plethora of dating apps out there, and they all try to differentiate themselves from each other, and some manage to do that, but when it comes down to it, they all do the same thing: replicate the already terrible process of finding a date in real life. Some though, do it better than most, and some hookup apps target different segments of the dating market; there are apps for finding people to hook up with, apps for long term relationships, and apps for those looking for semi-casual, short-term dating.
Each segment of the dating app market is a rather mixed bag, and not all apps are created equal (I mean, some just really, really blow). Whether you are looking for someone to shag, someone to bring home to mom, or someone to date for the time being, you’ve come to the right place; we are going to discuss the best apps for each of these three relationships.
No more having to go out to bars to find a one night stand - there’s an app for that.
Looking for commitment? I’ve got the hookup for that.
Want some cuddling, but without the commitment? We sell that here, too.
Here are the three apps for every type of relationship: Pure, Coffee Meets Bagel, and Tinder. Whatever your needs, these are the best apps (whether you like it or not) in the market right now.
For those looking for a partner for just the night, download Pure.
Hookups are meant to be discreet and unknown to those not involved, and this app takes that to heart.
When you first download the app, rather than requiring your Facebook or email address to create an account, you just sign up; Pure doesn’t give a rip who you are, just like the person who you’ll be hooking up with later.
Pure’s goal is to get you laid within the hour, and if you don’t do anything dumb, you should get laid within the hour.
Here’s how it works; you sign in, and create a profile that’s basically just a selfie, and after that your mission is to find someone near you who wants to hookup. Each post you make is like a shoutout about you, and it lasts one hour; users near you will see your selfie, and if they’re interested you’ll be sent a notification and you can set up a meeting time if you like them back.
You basically send out a signal that you want to go to bangville, pronto, and get to choose who you go to bangville with (among the people who want to go to bangville with you). You see, everybody wins.
The awesome part about Pure is that it doesn’t want anyone else to know about who you’re hooking up with; Pure encrypts every message you send in-app, son! Pure has your discreet hookups on LOCK, literally.
Even your failed attempts to hookup are hush-hush: if no one responds to your post after sixty minutes, the post is deleted forever, like nothing ever happened. Through thick and thin, Pure is there for you.
Not everyone is into casual sex, and if you’re the type to date people long-term, I’d recommend downloading Coffee Meets Bagel.
It’s an app that knows you hate strangers, so it recommends you date people who are friends of people you know - specifically, your Facebook friends.
Finding random strangers to date on other apps or sites can be intimidating and just horrible experiences in general, and CMB wants to solve that problem. You’d consider dating someone a friend recommends, right?
Coffee Meets Bagel does the same thing, only it does it once every day. Each day you get a "bagel", someone CMB believes would be great for you to date.
You have 24 hours to say yes or no, and if both of you say yes, you’re able to chat with each other. If you’re not interested, that’s okay - tomorrow you’ll get another bagel, curated just for you!
If you want a long term relationship, use CMB because it recommends people to date based on people you’re friends with and actually enjoy being around - what more could you want in a serious relationship?
CMB might not be as refined as other dating apps, but rather than select random people from a pool based on characteristics they have, CMB takes friends of your friends, and recommends people to date out of that pool based on what you want in a partner.
The catch with CMB is that you only get one bagel per day, so you’ll need to come back to the app each day if you don’t get a great recommendation right away. If you want a casual relationship and prefer to date people you may already kind of know, give CMB a try.
Tinder, the dating app that doesn’t really get the whole "dating" part quite right.
Tinder is basically another app for hooking up, for short term relationships, depending on who you ask.
While it can be used for either purpose, it’s probably the best app for finding a short term, casual relationship. It’s informal enough to compete with Pure, but not formal enough to compete with the likes of CMB.
Tinder doesn’t take much to find you a match, as all you need to do is create a rather simple profile and it does the rest of the work for you- now you just need to swipe left or right. A lot.
Tinder has a TON of users, and there’s bound to be plenty of stinkers out there, and you will have to swipe quite a lot to find a match. If they like you back, you’re able to chat with them and set up a date or time to shag, whichever you choose.
If you want to date someone officially, Tinder isn’t the app you’re looking for; that would be Coffee Meets Bagel - Tinder is meant for those looking to have a casual relationship with someone they’d rather not take home to mom, so make sure you get that straight.
There are too many free sex apps out there too count, and a lot of them do the same thing, blatantly copying each other. There are a few apps, though, that manage to standout amongst their competitors, and we’ve gone over the apps that are the best in their specific segment of the dating app market; try them, try some others, do whatever works for you, but your chances of being successful, no matter the goal, are with these three apps.
Relationships are hard, and these apps try to make the process a little easier- the question now is, who do you pick?